Protecting Mother Earth

“Protecting Mother Earth”

Protecting Mother Earth is truly needed right now, as the current climate is seeing rising sea levels, which is causing flooding in low-lying areas and sadly millions of people, animals, and sea life are being destroyed and in many places the death of the human race. Through natural disasters, we are seeing emerging new diseases including old diseases coming back to life form as we forget to be mindful of the diversity and ecology of our land.

When we protect the environment we are taking care of the animals, plants, minerals, and the lives of human beings. By living with mindfulness of Mother Earth you are helping on a huge scale to save our planet Earth. This truly requires the daily practice of living with compassion and love for each other. By not cutting down and burning trees, saving water resources, not overusing electricity, turning off lights until darkness, limiting your time on the computer and telephone limiting the use of your washing machine wait until you have a full load to wash.

Being mindful of your car, try sharing a car if you work in one place together, and only burn coal/wood for the use of cooking or heat. If every person became mindful of protecting Mother Earth, we have a chance to build a strong resilience for the mass environmental issues we are seeing worldwide. Whilst building your temple vegetable and herb garden do not use pesticides or fertilizers that have chemicals in them. Try and buy your food when you go shopping from local organic retailers and farmers, thus supporting them too. Try and avoid buying things in boxes and small plastic bags to reduce the rubbish that’s destroying the environment. But most importantly build your temple garden with love, get creative with restoring old things, and look around your existing garden and see what can be restored and used again.

A lotus love & Blessing

Isabella Rose

Excerpt from the book “Temple Garden of Love”, diploma training Available August 2023