Cultivating Peace

It seems an easy task to cultivate peace around you but first you need to imagine that all your windows in your house is showing you how many different access you have to many things. If we leave all our windows open we will get cold, nothing will feel warm again and we become unstable in ourselves. Imagining a warm fire with the windows closed leaves a sense of peace.

Cultivating peace can be taken in small steps at a time, de-cluttering all around you and allowing the element of Air to restore your mind allowing you to come back into sequence with the Universe. If your mind is overworking and not able to stable then a meditation or yoga class can help you restore inner peace which leads to an easier way of living.

Once you have obtained that inner peace you need to keep cultivating peace every day so that you live a life that was peacefull and harmonious in every step you take on the planet is contributing to world peace which is what every single person wants deep down is to be nice to each other, to support each other, to help grow and create infinite possibilities in this world.

A lotus love & blessing

Isabella Rose